When working with data related to finances and business, you obviously need to represent your monetary assets.
In fact, a lot of work done in spreadsheets deals with money.
If you work with the Euro currency, you would want to have the Euro symbol in Google Sheets.
While Google Sheets has the USD ($) as the default currency, you can easily change it to Euro (or any other currency you want).
In this tutorial, I will show you some ways to insert a Euro Symbol in Google Sheets.
Table of Contents
Why do I need to Insert the Euro Symbol in Google Sheets?
Among all the currency symbols, the Euro is one of the most commonly used symbols. It comes a close second to the dollar symbol. This is owing to the fact that a large number of countries use this currency.
As a result, it has become an international currency used worldwide for financial trade.
It’s usually quite easy to insert the dollar symbol, not just on Google Sheets, but on any software.
This is because the symbol is readily available on your keyboard. So you can access it by a simple press of the Shift and the number 4 key.
Although the option for inserting the Euro symbol cannot be seen upfront on Google Sheets, it’s not that difficult to include.
Here are three easy and effective ways in which you can get this done.
Five Ways to Insert the Euro Symbol in Google Sheets
Special characters like copyright symbols, currency notations, and checkmarks are quite often used in spreadsheets.
So, it comes as quite a surprise that there’s no menu item on Google Sheets to insert these characters.
There is, however, a way to work around this limitation.
Method 1: Copy and Paste the Euro Symbol in Google Sheets
Sometimes, the best solution is the easiest one.
If you want to get the Euro symbol in Google Sheets, simply copy it from any other cell where you have it or even from the web.
In fact, you can copy the below Euro symbol and paste it in a cell in Google Sheets. Once you have it there, you can copy-paste it where ever you want.
This is a good method if you want to use the Euro symbol to manually add it in front of numbers or as a part of some text.
In case you want to add the Euro symbol in front of a lot of numbers, it’s better to use the next method covered in this tutorial (which is to format the cells to show the Euro symbol without changing the value of the cells).
Method 2: Using the ALT Code (Keyboard shortcut)
If you can remember a simple code, you can use a keyboard shortcut to easily get the Euro Symbol in a cell.
Below is how to use the ALT-code to insert the Euro symbol in a cell in Google Sheets:
- Select the cell in which you want to enter the Euro symbol
- Double click on the cell to get into the edit mode (or press F2)
- Place the cursor where you want the Euro Symbol (if it’s a blank cell, skip this step).
- Hold the ALT key and then press 0128 (in succession, one key after the other)
- Leave the ALT key
The above steps instantly insert the Euro symbol in the cell.
Now you can copy it and use it wherever you want.
Method 3: Format the Cells to Show the Euro Symbol With Numbers
Depending on the language format you use, Google sheets usually have a shortcut currency formatting button on the main toolbar.
Normally this button is for the dollar symbol. If you want to include any other currency, you often need to set it using the ‘More Format’ option on the menu.
Here’s how you can set the formatting to include the Euro symbol.
- Select the cells that you want to apply the Euro symbols to.
- In the toolbar, click on the ‘More Formats’ option (the one that says 123)
- From the drop-down, you can see that there is an option for you to format all the numbers with the dollar symbol. To include any other currency symbol, hover the cursor over the ‘More Formats’ option
- In the options that show up, click on the ‘More currencies’ option. This will open a “Custom Currencies” dialog box.
- In the ‘Custom Currencies’ dialog box, scroll down to find the Euro and select it.
- You will notice a small sub-menu inside the input box on top.
- Select the format that you want to apply to the cells. In this example, I am going to stick to having the Euro symbol before the number.
- Click Apply.
The above steps would add the Euro symbol in front of all the numbers in the selected cells.
Note that adding the currency symbol in this method also does not affect the numerical value of the number being represented. It simply changes the way the number is being displayed (which is with a Euro symbol in this example).
So you can do all your calculations with these values or put them in a formula.
Method 4: Using the CHAR Function
You can use the CHAR function in Google Sheets to get the EURO symbol as a result of it.
The CHAR() function is one of the in-built functions of Google sheets that give the character value corresponding to a given decimal value.
There are decimal values corresponding to each character or symbol. This includes currency symbols too.
The Unicode value corresponding to the Euro symbol is 8364.
Let’s see how to use this method.
- Select the cell where you want to insert the Euro symbol.
- In the selected cell, enter the following formula: =CHAR(8364)
- You will see the Euro symbol in your cell as a result of the given formula.
- Press the Return key.
The above steps would return the Euro symbol in the cell.
This is a quick way to get the Euro symbol, but since this is a result of a formula, you won’t be able to add numbers after it. If you only want the EURO symbol, it’s best to copy the cell and paste and value.
This way, you will have the EURO symbol and you can copy it and use it wherever you want.
Method 5: Using the Character Map
Google Docs has a native Character Map that you can use to insert your special character, but Google Sheets doesn’t.
Let’s see how you can insert a Euro symbol (Or for that matter any symbol) in your Google Sheet, with the help of Google Docs.
- Open a new Google Doc.
- Click on “Special Characters” from the “Insert” menu.
You will see a Special Characters Toolbox.
Notice there are a number of symbols and special characters available for use.
It can get quite difficult to scroll through the whole list to find the symbol you need. Fortunately, the toolbox has a convenient search feature. On the right side of this toolbox, there are two ways in which you can search for your required symbol.
- You can use the input box on the top right of the toolbox to type in a keyword for the symbol you need. This will shorten the list to give you the symbols that match closest to your search keyword. Type in the word “Euro”.
On the left, you will find a set of symbols. Find the Euro symbol and select it.
- You can also use the drawing tool on the bottom right of the toolbox to draw the symbol you are looking for. Draw the Euro symbol here.
You’ll find a set of matching symbols on the left side. Find the Euro symbol and select it.
Either way, you’ll see the Euro symbol inserted into your document.
Now, how do you get this Euro symbol in Google Sheets (using the same age-old copy-paste)
- Select the Euro symbol on your Google Doc and copy it.
- Open the Google Sheet on which you need to insert the Euro symbol and paste it onto your required cell.
There you have it!
These are the five ways you can use to insert a Euro symbol in Google Sheets.
If you want to manually insert the Euro Symbol, it’s best to use methods such as copy-paste or using the keyboard shortcut. And in case you want to apply it to a range of cells, it best to use method 3 (the one that formats the cells)
I hope you found this Google Sheets tutorial useful!
You may also like the following Google Sheets tutorials:
- How to Insert BULLET POINTS in Google Sheets
- How to Insert a Degree Symbol (°) in Google Sheets
- How to Insert CheckBox (Tick Box) in Google Sheets
- How to Insert Check Mark Symbol in Google Sheets
- How to Remove Dollar Sign ($ or USD) in Google Sheets?
- How to Insert Text Box in Google Sheets
- How to Convert Currency in Google Sheets
5 thoughts on “How to Insert the Euro Symbol (€) in Google Sheets (5 Easy Ways)”
Such a useful post.
Informative article, Thanks a lot…
Informative article, Please keep continue..
Nice post.
On EU kb’s there’s is the simplest one: Ctrl &+Alt + 5