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Google Sheets Tips

Adding a Google Sheets hyperlink is easy. Follow this guide to learn 3 different ways to do it in asa little as a few seconds....
To import Stock Prices into Google Sheets, use the File menu and select import. Then, upload your CSV file. Here’s a video I made that shows the whole process. Where to Find Historical Stock Pri...
To calculate age in Google Sheets, use the DATEDIF or YEARFRAC formulas. Follow along for screenshots and full formula explanations....
Here's how to hide gridlines in Google Sheets with the view menu or the print menu. The guide also shows how to show lines in specific cells....
To make a Google Sheet drop down list, use the insert menu or right click. This guide also covers data validation in drop downs menus....
Learn how to make a single-color, multi-color, and Geo Google Sheets heat map in a few clicks with this comprehensive step-by-step guide....
To clear formatting in Google Sheets, use the dropdown menu or a keyboard shortcut. This guide covers both methods with a step-by-step how to....
Learn to assign a task in Google Sheets with a comment or via drop-down menu. This guide covers both methods for effective project management....
To count cells with text in Google Sheets, use one of these three functions. My guide includes a video guide (including searching for partial text)....