How to Make a Booklet in Google Docs + 4 Templates [Free]

Booklets are a fantastic way to put information and can be used in many different fields. A booklet is a small book with fewer thin pages that are designed to hold information about something specific.

Booklets usually have very colorful and attractive designs with lots of images to make them easier to read. This can be hard to design and make on your own, and many people would rather hire a professional to do it, which is why in this article, weโ€™ll help you figure out how to make a booklet in google docs.

Weโ€™ve also included some booklet templates that you can use.

How to Create a Booklet in Google Docs

  1. Open a Blank document
  2. Go to Page Setupย and choose the appropriate size for your booklet.
  3. Create the cover page with the title
  4. Add the text in your
  5. Insert the images
  6. Format the booklet.

Types of booklet templates in google docs

There are plenty of different types of booklet templates suitable for different situations. Here are some of the most common types of booklet templates:

Brochures:ย Brochures are commonly used for advertising a specific product or service. They are a user-friendly option that lets people learn about the product or service in question and are common in many industries. A good example is a university brochure that has information on all the available courses.

Instruction Manuals:ย These are booklets that are usually found together with new devices or equipment. They have information on how to set up and use the specific equipment as well as things you should be careful with and things you should avoid.

Event program:ย Some events also use an event program in the form of a booklet to provide information about a specific event, such as a conference, concert, or festival. The booklet usually contains information such as the time for each event, the performers or panel and their background and background of the event.

Cookbook/Recipe booklets:ย These are booklets that provide recipes and cooking instructions for different meals.

Catalogs: These are image-focused booklets that are used to display different designs and products offered by a store. They usually contain images of the product with a short description and are commonly used in fashion and interior design.

Portfolio:ย A portfolio is a booklet that showcases your work, such as your art, writing, or photography. The portfolio booklet can accompany your resume when you’re filling out job applications.

Newsletters:ย News; letters come in many different forms, and one of them is a booklet. They are used to keep people informed about a specific topic or event.

How to Make a Booklet in Google Docs

Making a booklet in Google Docs is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to create your own booklet:

Step 1: Open a new document

Open Google Docs and create a new document. Click on “File” and then “New” to create a new document.

Open a new document

Step 2: Set up your pages

  1. Go to File> Page setup.
  2. Choose a paper size
  3. Select the orientation
  4. You can also choose a page color.
Page setup settings

Step 3: Create your cover page

  1. Add the title of your booklet
  2. Format it and change its alignment to fit the booklet.

Step 4: Design shape elements

Booklets usually have a consistent design in all the pages. You can add designs using the draw function in Google Docs:

  1. Go to Insert > Drawing and choose New.
Add a new drawing
  1. Click on the shape icon and choose a shape.
  2. Hold and drag the cursor on the canvas to add shapes.
  3. Change the color of the shapes
  4. Click save and close.
Add color

When adding these designs be careful of the header section. If The image gets past the header then it will appear in all your pages.

Step 5: Align the shape designs

After youโ€™ve designed your shapes you need to align them:

  1. Select the image.
  2. Go toย Image options.
Choose how the images interact
  1. Click on the Text wrapย drop down.
  2. Choose how you want the image and the text to interact. The best option is behind text so that it doesnโ€™t affect your text.
Wrap text
  1. Move your image by clicking and dragging it.
The start of a template

Step 5: Add your content

Now you can start creating your content. Add text, images, charts, or any other elements you want to include in your booklet. Make sure to keep the overall design and layout consistent throughout the document.

Step 6: Add Images

Now you can add any relevant images to your booklet. We recommend you do this after adding the text in your booklet so that you can make sense of your layout.

Add an image

Click on the image icon in the toolbar and choose where you want to upload your image from.

Step 7: Format your Booklet

Once you have added all the necessary information in your booklet you can change the font and layout as you wish.

You can also add page numbers:

Go to Insert > Page number.

Choose the position for the page numbers.

Go to insert > page numbers and choose the postion

And there you have it – a simple guide to creating a booklet in Google Docs. With these steps, you can create a professional-looking booklet that is perfect for a variety of purposes, from marketing and promotion to informational and instructional materials.

Booklet Templates for Google Docs

Basic Flyer Style Booklet Template

Basic Flyer Style Booklet Template

Access Template

This is a booklet template that is broken up into three section perpage so you can make a simple fold up booklet. This is great for tourist booklets or any other info you want to get across on one piece of paper. Just make sure you alter the print settings so the second page is upright when you print it. (this will only work if youโ€™re able to print double-sided.

Corporate Booklet Template

Corporate booklet template

Access Template

The corporate booklet template is a seven-page template that has a blue and yellow color scheme that fits well in a corporate environment like business or finance.

You can use this booklet template to share information about the company, its vision, mission and values and more.

Design Booklet Template

Design booklet template

Access Template

The design booklet is a simple but sophisticated template that has a soft bridge theme. This template is perfect for displaying images and can be used to make catalogs, creative portfolios, photography booklets and more creative booklets that center around images.

Cookbook Booklet Template

Recipe booklet template

Access Template

Our cookbook template is a handy template that can be used to make a booklet for recipes. This template is a favorite among our users and is simple but appealing. It comes with 7 pages but you can easily expand it to as many pages as you need for your booklet.

Why Should You Use Our Templates

Hereโ€™s why you should use our booklet templates:

  • Designing a booklet is no walk in the pack. With our templates, you donโ€™t have to stress about what to put where, which layout to use and what design elements to add because weโ€™ve already done that for you.
  • Our templates have professional designs that are both visually appealing and easy to read. A lot of thought is put into the layouts and the color schemes for each template so that it reflects the purpose of the booklet.
  • Our templates also ensure consistency in your design and branding for your booklet with a well thought composition.
  • If youโ€™re on a budget then hiring a professional to make your booklet might not be an option for. The good news is that you can get our templates for free and customize them yourself to save you the costs.
  • Our Templates are very easy to customize and ready to use so that you donโ€™t need to wait for any extra steps. You can download them immediately and begin customizing them right away.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is the Difference Between a Book and a Booklet?

A bookย and a booklet may sound like the same thing but there are a lot of differences, the main one being the length ย and scope. Books are typically longer and more comprehensive than booklets, which are smaller publications with a limited scope.

Other differences include:

  • Books often use hard covers while booklets use soft covers
  • Books can include many different topics while booklets focus on information about a specific topic.

Why Do We Need to Make a Booklet in Google Docs?

There are several reasons why you might want to create a booklet in Google Docs:

  • Google docs automatically saves your document in your drive meaning youโ€™ll never have to worry about losing anything.
  • You can access the booklet on any device as long as you have access to your Google account.
  • It’s easy to share the booklet with your team or others and there are more collaborative features like real-time viewing and editing.
  • There are plenty of customization tools like images, charts and more on Google Docs.
  • Google Docs is free to use and making your booklet here will save you more money compared to traditional methods.

What is the Format of a Booklet?

Booklets come in many different formats depending on the specific purpose and content of the publication. However, there are some common characteristics that are typical of booklets:

  • Small paper sizes such as ย 5.5″ x 8.5″ or 8.5″ x 11″ to make them easy to handle and portable.
  • They often have a landscape orientation especially for displaying images but can also come in portrait
  • They have a small number of pages ranging from 4 to 40
  • They have a cover page that includes the title, author and any other relevant information.

Wrapping Up

By making your own booklet in google docs, you can save yourself a lot of costs and reap the benefits of Google Docs features.

Weโ€™ve given you a step-by-step guide for how to make a booklet in google docs. However, if you still found it challenging, weโ€™ve got you covered with some of our versatile booklet templates above.

If you liked these templates, check out our premium templates too. Remember to use the code SSP to save 50% at checkout.

Get Premium Templates


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