The Ultimate Google Data Studio Tutorial for Beginners

Dealing with raw data can be quite a challenge, especially when faced with a wall of unorganized figures. To make them easier to understand, itโ€™s better to transform these figures into graphical presentations, such as line charts, pie graphs, and more. Google Data Studio (now Looker Studio) is a powerful tool that specializes in accomplishing just that.

In this Google Data Studio tutorial, weโ€™ll discuss what the platform is and the various features that come with it. Weโ€™ll also discuss how you can create dashboards, use charts, and share your reports with other people.

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What Is Google Data Studio?

Launched in 2016, Google Data Studio is one of the most helpful tools for business reporting and data analysis. Itโ€™s a free reporting software that stands alongside heavy hitters like Power BI and Tableau.

Many marketers and related professionals flock to Google Data Studio for its easy-to-use features. The platform’s buttons and functions let them present their data in accessible ways without diving too deep into programming languages and overly technical know-how.

While its features are not that advanced compared to those of paid reporting tools, they do allow you to craft well-designed dashboards and reports. You can also access these functionalities anywhere with an internet connection since Google Data Studio is cloud-hosted.

Additionally, the wide range of templates available on the platform makes it highly sought-after. You can use them to pre-process the data before making adjustments to how theyโ€™re presented. Furthermore, information can be imported from different sources like Google Sheets, Google Ads, and more.

Note: Google Data Studio is now known as Looker Studio. But in this article, weโ€™ll stick with its former name for familiarity.

Exploring the Features of Google Data Studio

As mentioned earlier, Google Data Studio is free to access, but you need a verified Google account to use it. If you donโ€™t have one yet, you can simply sign up for an account using this link: Create your Google Account.

Once your account has been set up, head to,ย and youโ€™ll see the Google Data Studio dashboard once you have logged into the platform.

Hereโ€™s a quick explanation of what you can access:

Tutorial Google Data Studioโ€”Features of Looker Studio dashboard
  • Left menu:ย The options here allow you to make a fresh report, data source, or explorer. It also lets you navigate and filter your existing reports in terms of time and ownership. Thereโ€™s also the Trash option where you will find your recently deleted items.
  • Toolbar menu:ย This categorizes the files you have created and opened on Google Data Studio into their respective groups. Here, you will see your reports by default, you can simply click on the other groups on the toolbar to see either the Data sourcesย or Exploration options.
  • Template gallery: If youโ€™re looking to adopt a pre-made layout for your dataset, you can access several templates through the Template Gallery. The Templates option is on the left menu and will redirect you to the same interface.
  • Search bar: You can use the search bar to easily find reports and data sources. Itโ€™s located near the top of the page.
  • Report list: Under the Template Galleryย is the report list, which simply displays the reports youโ€™ve opened and created. Some filters are also available for this section, allowing you to use and filter your files either by ownership or update according to time.

Reports, Data Sources, and Explorations

You might have noticed some jargon that we used in the previous section, such as terms like โ€œreport,โ€ย โ€œdata source,โ€ย and โ€œexploration.โ€ย These are some of the elements used in Google Data Studio itself.

Hereโ€™s a breakdown of their meanings:

  • Reports are files where you can transform your data into visuals. For example, you can add tables, charts, and other elements to make your numbers more graphical in reports.
  • Data sources refer to the connections from which you get the data you put in your reports. These can be from basic datasets like a spreadsheet on Google Sheets to more advanced sources like a MySQL database.
  • Explorations are essentially scratch pads that let you experiment with your data without saving the changes. As a result, theyโ€™re not permanent unless you save them. You can access them using the Explorer feature on Google Data Studio, which is still in the beta phase at the time of this writing.

What Are Connectors in Google Data Studio?

Before discussing the term โ€œconnector,โ€ you should first understand how data sources work in-depth. Data sources are specific instances of a connection to your dataset โ€” theyโ€™re not the original data.

Each report you create requires you to link to a data source. This is where connectors come into the picture.

From the name itself, a connector links your report on Google Data Studio to your original data. Here are some reasons theyโ€™re implemented on the platform:

  • Keeps the integrity of your data: Youโ€™re not modifying your true records, and the data source created also tracks every field related to the connection.
  • Secure sharing: You can share your data with other people without worrying about unintentional changes. You can also control what you want to share by connecting to specific data only.
  • Flexible data sharing: You can create many data sources by connecting to the same dataset. If you want to assign particular information to different colleagues, you can use data sources.

Google supports hundreds of connectors that you can use, including those developed in-house and third-party ones, such as Partner Connectors. However, keep in mind that when using third-party connectors, you may need to pay a fee.

List of connectors on Google Data Studio

How to Build a Dashboard in Google Data Studio

After laying out the fundamentals of how to use Google Data Studio, itโ€™s time for you to do some practice. In this section, weโ€™ll demonstrate how you can turn sample data into a visual Data Studio dashboard that can be easily understood.

Step 1: Connect Your Data Source

As mentioned above, a data source is vital when creating a report. Weโ€™ll be using a Google Sheets file in this example, but feel free to use any other dataset on your end. The steps here would be applicable to other sources too. Hereโ€™s how.

  1. Go toย and sign in to your account if you havenโ€™t done so yet.
  2. Once youโ€™re on the platform, click โ€œCreateโ€ย on the left menu.
Create button in Google Data Studio dashboard


  1. Choose โ€œData sourceโ€ from the options that appear.
Creating a data source in Google Data Studio


  1. If this is your first time creating any report or data source on Google Data Studio:
  • Type whatโ€™s asked on the relevant fields on the window that appears.
  • Tick the checkbox under โ€œTerms of Serviceโ€ and click โ€œContinue.โ€
Completing your account setup on Looker Studio
  • Select your email preferences and click โ€œContinue.โ€
Setting your email preferences on Looker Studio


5. From the connectors menu, choose โ€œGoogle Sheets.โ€

Selecting the Google Sheets connector on Data Studio


6. Click the โ€œAUTHORIZEโ€ย button under the โ€œAuthorizationโ€ย section, which appears if itโ€™s your first time using the connector.

Authorizing Looker Studio to access your Google Sheets


7. Select the spreadsheet you want to use from the list of available items under the โ€œSpreadsheetโ€ย section.

8. Choose the worksheet name that you want to use under the โ€œWorksheetโ€ย section.

9. Rename your file by clicking โ€œUntitled Data Sourceโ€ย at the top.

Selecting your worksheet as dataset on Looker Studio


10. Click the โ€œCONNECTโ€ย button to create your data source.

CONNECT button on Looker Studio data source

Dimensions & Metrics

Now, your data source should be successfully set up. Youโ€™ll notice that the dimensions (the fields or categories) are highlighted in green. In Google Data Studio, dimensions simply refer to the name of what youโ€™re measuring.

The platform might also auto-generate blue-highlighted metrics based on your data. Metrics either count or measure your data. Examples of this include functions like SUM(), COUNT(), and similar ones.

Dimensions and metrics on Looker Studio data source

Type & Default Aggregation

Google Data Studio will also automatically give each of your fields a Type and Default Aggregation. The options under the Type column simply refer to what kind of data is being used, and you can change this manually by clicking on the drop-down arrow.

Changing the data type on Looker Studio


On the other hand, the values under Default Aggregationย are selected by the platform as it groups your data according to certain criteria. You can also change this manually as long as the tagged Default Aggregation is set to neither Auto nor None. Learn more about aggregations here.

Changing the default aggregation on Looker Studio

Step 2: Create Your First Report in Google Data Studio

Once your data source is up, you can now start making your first report. In this part, weโ€™ll discuss two ways you can do this on Google Data Studio.

Direct from the Data Source

  1. Right after creating your data source, click the โ€œCREATE REPORTโ€ button from the menu at the top.
Creating a report from a Looker Studio data source


  1. Youโ€™ll be redirected to an Untitled Report tab, wherein you have to click the โ€œADD TO REPORTโ€ button displayed in a dialog box.
Adding your dataset to a report on Google Data Studio


  1. Rename your report by clicking on the โ€œUntitled Reportโ€ field.
Renaming your untitled report on Google Data Studio

Using the โ€œCreateโ€ Button

Alternatively, you can also choose to make a new report from the main dashboard of Google Data Studio. Hereโ€™s how.

  1. Click โ€œCreate,โ€ then selectย โ€œReportโ€ย on the drop-down menu.
Creating a new report on the Google Data Studio dashboard


  1. On the blank report, chooseย โ€œAdd dataโ€ from the available tools.
Using the "Add data" option on Google Data Studio


  1. Go to โ€œMy data sources,โ€ then find and click your preferred data source.
  2. Click the โ€œAddโ€ย button to proceed.
Selecting a data source on Google Data Studio


  1. Click โ€œADD TO REPORTโ€ย to confirm.
Adding a dataset to your Google Data Studio report


  1. Rename your report by clicking the โ€œUntitled Reportโ€ field.
Renaming your untitled report on Google Data Studio

Step 3: Customize Your Report

The primary goal of using Google Data Studio is to make your data easier to understand with visual aids. As you customize your report, you can add scorecards, tables, charts, and more elements. You can also use themes and layouts to set your preferred style.

After creating your first report, a table will be automatically generated for you. However, this is typically uninsightful, so itโ€™s good practice to remove it before starting to lay out your elements from scratch.

To do so, simply right-click on the table and select โ€œDeleteโ€ย from the context menu.

Deleting a table on a Data Studio report

Common Tools to Edit Your Report

Before configuring your dashboard, itโ€™s essential to first understand the basic functions available on Google Data Studioโ€™s toolbar. The placement of these tools has been revamped over the years, so if youโ€™ve seen the toolbar before, it might differ from what you remember.

Hereโ€™s a breakdown of the latest version at the time of this post:

Common tools to edit your Google Data Studio report


  • Undo and Redo: These let you revert your changes. They are also accessible through your keyboard by pressing the keys Ctrl + Z to undo and Ctrl + Y to redo.
  • Selection Mode: This mode lets you select various objects in your report, like tables and images. A side panel will appear every time you select an object.
  • Zoom: You can use this to magnify your report so you can view the details and elements better.
  • Add page: This simply inserts another page on your report. You can also access this feature by pressing Ctrl + M on your keyboard.
  • Add data: You can add a new connector or data source using this function.
  • Add a chat: Clicking on this tool will display a menu where you can choose tables, scorecards, pie graphs, and more.
  • Community visualizations and components: This is a beta feature that lets you import data visualization tools not developed by Google.
  • Add a control: Clicking on this function displays a panel where you can choose sliders, drop-down lists, input boxes, and the like.
  • URL Embed: You can also embed online materials into your report, such as videos, documents, and other kinds of links, using the URL Embed feature.
  • Image, Text, Line, and Shape: These four separate buttons on the toolbar insert what their respective names imply โ€” the Image button inserts an image, the Text button adds a text box, and so on.
  • Theme and layout: Clicking on this feature lets you see the style and layout settings that you can use for your report.

Selecting a Theme and Layout

Your dashboardโ€™s appearance is one of the things that youโ€™ll want to decide on right away. This includes color scheme, page orientation, and other factors that affect the overall aesthetic. Another thing youโ€™ll want to keep in mind is the position of the dashboardโ€™s elements. The Theme and layout panel lets you adjust these factors.

Under the โ€œThemeโ€ย section, you can select pre-styled formats offered by Google Data Studio. For example, thereโ€™s the Groovy theme that features warm and earthy colors.

Another example is Constellation, which is a great choice if you enjoy dark hues on your report. Choosing any of these themes is a time-saving measure since youโ€™re not starting from a blank page.

Selecting a theme for your Data Studio report


Thereโ€™s also the โ€œLayoutโ€ย section, where you can modify options like page orientation, canvas size, grid settings, and header visibility. We wonโ€™t go into detail about these settings, but we do suggest exploring the options yourself to configure your dashboard according to your taste.

Adjusting the layout on your Data Studio report

Adding a Scorecard

Scorecards are staples in Google Data Studio as theyโ€™re used to display the important metrics of your data. For example, you can add a scorecard to visualize the key performance indicators of your business, which determine whether youโ€™re hitting your goals. Examples of KPIs include total online sales, total advertisement views, average bounce rates, and more.

Hereโ€™s how to add a scorecard to your dashboard.

  1. Click the โ€œAdd a chartโ€ย button on the toolbar.
  2. If you want to display each digit of your numbers, pick the โ€œScorecardโ€ย option.
How to add a scorecard to your dashboard


  1. If you want to make your scorecard tidy, choose โ€œScorecard with compact numbers.โ€
Adding a scorecard with compact numbers


  1. To change the default metric Record countย on the scorecard, click โ€œRecord countโ€ย under the Metrics section on the side panel.
Changing the metric used on a Data Studio scorecard


  1. Finally, select your preferred metric from the list that appears.
Selecting a new metric on a Google Data Studio scorecard


Alternatively, you can add your scorecard by using the Insert menu. From the menu bar at the top, click โ€œInsertโ€ย > โ€œScorecard.โ€ By default, this adds a non-compact scorecard that displays all the digits of your data.

Using the insert menu to add a scorecard

Inserting a Line Chart

Another element that you can add to your report is a line chart, which is great when it comes to showing the general trends of your data over time. Hereโ€™s how you can add one.

  1. Click the โ€œAdd a chartโ€ย button on the toolbar.
  2. Under the โ€œLineโ€ย section in the drop-down menu, pick the third chart type and lay it out on your canvas.
Adding a line chart to your Data Studio dashboard


  1. Change the default Record countย metric by clicking on it and selecting your preferred one from the list (weโ€™ll use Total in this example).
Changing the metric for your line chart


  1. Change the selected option under the โ€œDimensionโ€ย section and set it to your preferred category (weโ€™ll use Dateย in this example).
Changing the dimension on your line chart


  1. To show multiple lines on your chart that signify different values, click โ€œAdd a dimensionโ€ under โ€œBreakdown dimensionโ€ (weโ€™ll use Methodย in this example).
Adding a breakdown dimension to your line chart


Keep in mind that the dimensions you select represent the names or categories appearing on the horizontal axis of your line chart. In our example, youโ€™ll notice that the labels are specific dates in the sample data we used.

Meanwhile, the metrics you choose appear on the vertical axis of your chart. And the breakdown dimension you selected signifies the lines appearing on your graph.

Line chart on Google Data Studio report

Creating a Table

Tables are one of the best and easiest ways of making important data easily scannable. Hereโ€™s how you can insert one in your report.

  1. Click โ€œAdd a chartโ€ย on the toolbar.
  2. Choose the first chart type under the โ€œTableโ€ย section, then lay it out on your report canvas.
Adding a table on a Google Data Studio report


  1. Customize the dimension that you want to be displayed.
  2. Adjust the metric you want to see.
Changing the metric and dimension on a Data Studio table

Using Calculated Fields

Sometimes, you might need to create a new metric or dimension to add another method of managing your data. For example, you might want to perform simple calculations, change the formatting of your text, use logical expressions, and more.

Calculated fields are new formulas that you set up yourself. You can make them either on your data source or directly on a chart that you made on your report. For our example below, weโ€™ll demonstrate how you can turn certain texts into lowercase letters using a calculated field.

On a Chart

  1. Select your chart and click on the currently selected dimension.
  2. From the list, click โ€œCREATE FIELD.โ€
Using the CREATE FIELD on Google Data Studio


  1. Give your calculated field a name.
  2. Enter your custom formula in the appropriate text box.
  3. Click โ€œAPPLYโ€ย to save your changes.
Entering a formula for a calculated field


On Your Data Source

  1. From the top bar, click โ€œADD A FIELD.โ€
Using the ADD A FIELD button on your data source


  1. Enter a name for your calculated field in the โ€œField Nameโ€ textbox.
  2. Type in your custom equation or function in the โ€œFormulaโ€ย box.
  3. Click the โ€œSAVEโ€ย button at the bottom-right corner of the interface.
  4. To return to your field list, simply click โ€œALL FIELDSโ€ at the upper-left corner of your screen.
Filling out the details for a calculated field on Data Studio

How to Share a Google Data Studio Dashboard

Youโ€™re likely using Google Data Studio to make your data tidy and easily understood before letting your colleagues or superiors see it. When youโ€™re ready to share your report with others, you can simply opt to use any of the five options below that are supported by the platform.

How to share your Google Data Studio dashboard

Method 1: Invite People

If the people you want to share with also have access to Google Data Studio, you can invite them to either view or collaborate with you on the report. This makes for secure sharing as youโ€™re directly inviting them using their email address.

Hereโ€™s how to do it.

  1. On the โ€œShare with people and groupsโ€ panel, click the โ€œAdd people and groupsโ€ย textbox.
Inviting people to view or edit your Data Studio report


  1. On the next panel, type the email address of the other person in the provided field.
  2. Select their edit permissions by clicking on the drop-down at the side.
Adjusting edit permissions on Data Studio


  1. Click โ€œSendโ€ย to finish.
Clicking the "Send" button on Data Studio


You can also adjust your link settings if you want your report to be accessible by anyone, even without a Google account.

  1. Choose whether to set it as โ€œRestricted,โ€ โ€œUnlisted,โ€ or โ€œPublic.โ€
Changing the link settings on Google Data Studio


  1. Click โ€œCopyย linkโ€ once set, then send it to others.
Using the "Copy link" button to share a Data Studio report

Method 2: Schedule Email Delivery

If you used a dataset that constantly gets updated over time, scheduling repeated sending of your report to certain people might be suitable. For example, you can make weekly reports to your team leader about a certain project. Hereโ€™s how you do it.

  1. On theย โ€œEmail deliveryโ€ panel, enter your recipientโ€™s email address in the โ€œToโ€ย field.
  2. Select your preferred date and time.
  3. Choose your email frequency by clicking on the drop-down menu in the โ€œRepeatโ€ย section.
  4. Hit the โ€œScheduleโ€ย button to finish.
Schedule email delivery of your Data Studio dashboard


If you need to add some notes to your email, you can also configure its subject and message.

  1. Tick the checkbox that says โ€œCustomize email subject and message.โ€
  2. Enter the subject and message in their respective fields.
Adding subject and message when sharing dashboards

Method 3: Get the Report Link

This option simply produces a URL for your Google Data Studio report that you can send to others using messaging software. This method is handy if you want to get a link that automatically brings your viewers to a specific page on your dashboard.

To do so, simply follow the steps below.

  1. Tick the checkbox that says โ€œLink to your current report view.โ€
  2. Click the โ€œCOPY LINKโ€ย button.
Getting a report link on Google Data Studio

Method 4: Embed Report

If you have an existing web page where you want to display your report on, choose this sharing option. Hereโ€™s how you use it.

  1. Tick the checkbox that says โ€œEnable embedding.โ€
How to enable embedding on Google Data Studio


  1. Your embed settings would appear.
  2. If you want to get a full code to incorporate into your HTML file,
    1. Choose โ€œEmbed Code.โ€
    2. Set the embed size.
Copying a Data Studio embed code


  1. If youโ€™re using a web authoring system that requires a link, choose โ€œEmbed URL.โ€
Getting a Data Studio embed URL


  1. Click โ€œCOPY TO CLIPBOARD.โ€
Clicking the "COPY TO CLIPBOARD" button to get embed


If you canโ€™t decide which embed mode (code or URL) to go for, you can simply copy both to your clipboard.

Method 5: Download the Report

You can also download your whole report as a PDF document, which you can share with others using online drives, email, or messaging apps. As of this writing, Google Data Studio provides you with the following options in your download:

  • Omit the color of your reportโ€™s background
  • Insert a return link that redirects your reader to your report on Google Data Studio
  • Secure your PDF with a password
Downloading your Google Data Studio report as PDF


Just make sureย to tick the checkboxes for each option above, then click โ€œDOWNLOAD.โ€ Remember that you must first enter your preferred key if you have enabled password protection.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Google Data Studio Easy to Learn?

Google Data Studio is pretty easy to pick up, given how user-friendly its interface is. If youโ€™re familiar with similar products in the Google ecosystem, such as Analytics, Ads, and Sheets, youโ€™re likely to have an easy time connecting and creating your data sources, which are key parts of the platform.

How Long Will It Take To Learn Google Data Studio?

Thereโ€™s no standard time frame for how long it should take you to learn Google Data Studio. The length of time will depend on the Google Studio tutorials youโ€™re taking, as well as your personal learning speed and technical prowess.

Final Thoughts

If not properly organized and presented, raw data is just a mess of numbers and text. When you need to transform your data into insightful and accessible reports, just refer to this Google Data Studio tutorial.

We also have a lot of useful templates that you can use to quickly give your Google Sheets data a proper layout (and how to assign tasks). Donโ€™t forget to visit our profile on Gumroad to access these templates for 50% off using the code SSP!


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