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How To Use Python with Google Sheets

Let’s talk about how to use Python in Google Sheets. Have you ever found yourself spending hours on minor tasks, such as copying and pasting data? If so, you know how frustrating and inconvenient it can be to use complex functions for simple tasks. This is especially true when working on larger projects, where time is of the essence.

Fortunately, there is a solution that can save you time and hassle when dealing with data. By using Python, you can automate the process of extracting and uploading data to Google Sheets. With a simple script, you can streamline these tasks and focus on more important aspects of your project.

In this article, I detail everything you need to know about using Python in Google Sheets.

What is Python?

Python is a computer programming language used to create websites, develop software, automate tasks, and analyze data. Python is a general-purpose programming language, which means it can be used to create a wide variety of programs and is not focused on a specific problem.

Note that, while this article discusses Python in Google Sheets, I created another guide. Because of the recent news, I wanted to expand this to cover another area where you can use the same programming language. Here’s my guide on using Python in Excel.

How is Using Python Helpful?

Python is built with features that facilitate data analysis and visualization, which is why it is frequently used as the de facto language for data science and machine learning applications.

If a user proceeds to use Python in Google spreadsheet, they will find it simple to integrate their data with data analysis libraries like NumPy or Pandas or data visualization libraries like Matplotlib or Seaborn. Overall, using Python and Google Sheets together enables an advanced level of data handling while automating simpler tasks to increase efficiency.

Methods for Uploading Python Data into Google Sheets

There are several methods for using Python scripts with Google Sheets. In this guide, I include screenshots and specific examples to show you how to use it. Let’s start with the basics.

You can upload the data using either the Python Google API client or pip packages, such as:

  • Gsheets
  • Pygsheets
  • Ezsheets
  • Gspread

Now that we’ve covered the fundamentals of Python, let’s look at how you can use Python to read and write data in Google Sheets.


Prerequisite for Using Python with Google Sheets

To read from and write to Google Sheets using Python, we must first create a service account.

What is a Service Account?

A service account is a special type of account in the Google Cloud Platform that is designed to be used by applications, virtual machines, or other services instead of individual users. These accounts can be used to access APIs, perform automated tasks, and manage resources within a Google Cloud project.

How to Create a Service Account

Creating a service account isn’t as complicated as it may sound, simply follow the steps below:

Step 1: Go to the Google Cloud Console home page and click on the projects menu.

Python Google Sheets—Google Cloud console home page


Step 2: From this menu, select “New Project.”

Select a project


Step 3: Fill in the required fields and press the “Create” button. Once the project is created, you will be redirected to the project home page.

Create a new project


Step 4: From the right panel on the home page, go to “Enabled API and Services” and click on “+ Enable API and Services.”

Enable APIs and services button


Step 5: After clicking “Enable API and services” you will be redirected to the API library. From here, find the Google Drive API and click the “Enable” button. Repeat for the Google Sheets API.

Enable Google Drive API


Step 6: Next, select “Create Credentials” from the top menu on the project home page.

Create credentials menu


Step 7: From the credentials options, select “Service account.”

Service account option


Step 8: Name the service account and click “Create and Continue.”

Enter service account details


Step 9: Grant the service account with “Editor” access

Select service account Editor option


Step 10: Click on “Done” at the bottom

Complete service account by clicking "Done"


Step 11: Next, in the services account menu, click on “Keys” and then “Add Key.”

Add keys


Step 12: Select “JSON” as the key and click on “Create”

Create JSON key


Step 13: The service account credentials will be generated and downloaded in the form of a JSON file. You will need this JSON file later (See step 7 below).

Creating a Python Environment in Google Sheets

Once you’ve set up a service account, you need to create a new directory for your Python project. Here’s how:

Step 1: Open a command terminal or the CMD application on your system. You can type in CMD in the Windows search bar on the bottom left of your screen. On macOS, you can press CMD + Space, type in “Terminal,” and then press “Return.”

CMD command prompt


Step 2: Using your system’s terminal or command line, run this command mkdir python-to-google-sheets to create a new project directory called python-to-google-sheets.

New project—Python to Google Sheets


Step 3: Run the command cd python-to-google-sheets to navigate to the new project directory.

Navigate new project


Step 4: After that, create a virtual Python environment for the project using the following command: python -m venv env.

Create virtual Python environment


Step 5: Once you have created the environment, you can open the python-to-google-sheets directory in a code editor. (Note: You can use any code editor you prefer, for this demonstration, we used Visual Studio Code).

Visual studio code


Step 6: In the code editor, open the env directory and create a new file by clicking on the new file icon next to the directory name.

Step 7: Copy and paste the contents of the service account JSON file into the new file and name it “credentials.json.”

New file name—credentials.json


Step 8: Next, create an file and paste the following script inside it to provide this Python project with access to your Google Cloud service account:

New file— file
from __future__ import print_function

from googleapiclient.discovery import build

from google.oauth2 import service_account





credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file('credentials.json', scopes=SCOPES)

spreadsheet_service = build('sheets', 'v4', credentials=credentials)

drive_service = build('drive', 'v3', credentials=credentials)

Activating the Environment

Once, you have set up your environment, you need to activate it before you can start using it. For macOS and Linux systems, you can run the following command in the terminal or CMD application: Source env/bin/activate

If you are using a Windows device, open the CMD application and follow the steps below to activate your environment:

Step 1: Run the following command cd path-to-env. In this case, the command is: cd python-to-google-sheets/env/Scripts

Windows CMD application


Step 2: Once in the Scripts directory, run the following command on Windows: activate.bat

Windows: activate.bat command


NOTE: Do not close the terminal or CMD application, as you will need it to run the Python scripts explained below.

Installing Google Client Libraries

After activating your environment, you need to install the required Google client libraries into it.

Step 1: In the env directory, create a requirement.txt file and add the following dependencies to it.

  • google-api-python-client==1.7.9
  • google-auth-httplib2==0.0.3
  • google-auth-oauthlib==0.4.0
Google client libraries


Step 2: In the terminal or CMD application, open the env directory in your project and run the following command to install the packages: pip install -r requirements.txt

pip install -r requirements.txt command

Creating a Spreadsheet in Google Sheets Using Python

Once, you have activated your Python environment, it is time to start using it.

Step 1: Create a file and add the following script to it:

Create a file
from __future__ import print_function

from auth import spreadsheet_service

from auth import drive_service

def create():

    spreadsheet_details = {

'properties': {

'title': 'New Test Sheet'



    sheet = spreadsheet_service.spreadsheets().create(body=spreadsheet_details,


    sheetId = sheet.get('spreadsheetId')

print('Spreadsheet ID: {0}'.format(sheetId))

    permission1 = {

'type': 'user',

'role': 'writer',

'emailAddress': 'your_email'


    drive_service.permissions().create(fileId=sheetId, body=permission1).execute()

return sheetId


This script creates a new sheet called “New Test Sheet.” You can update the sheet title and email address objects according to your preferences.

Step 2: Open the terminal or CMD application that is currently running your environment, and navigate to the env directory. From here, run the following command: command


Step 3: Go to and look for the new sheet.

Add new Google Sheet

Append a List to Google Sheets with Python

Now that you have created a new sheet, you can now easily write data to it. The following code will help you manually append a list into a single row in a Google Sheet.

Step 1: In the env directory, create a new file called

Create new file—


Step 2: Paste the script provided below inside the new file. This script will update a single row A5:H5 with the data specified in the script.

NOTE: Remember to replace the existing values with relevant data and the ‘your_spreadsheetID’ object with the spreadsheet id you retrieved when running the command in the terminal or CMD application.

from __future__ import print_function

from auth import spreadsheet_service

from auth import drive_service

def read_range():

    range_name = 'Sheet1!A1:H10'  # retrieve data from existing sheet

    spreadsheet_id = 'your_spreadsheetID'

    result = spreadsheet_service.spreadsheets().values().get(

spreadsheetId=spreadsheet_id, range=range_name).execute()

    rows = result.get('values', [])

print('{0} rows retrieved.'.format(len(rows)))

print('{0} rows retrieved.'.format(rows))

return rows

def write_range():

    spreadsheet_id = 'your_spreadsheetID'  # get the ID of the existing sheet

    range_name = 'Sheet1!A2:H2'  # the range to update in the existing sheet

    values = [[Ben, Stiller, 50, 'Male', 'New Jersey', 'USA', '98989898989', '']]  # new row of data

    value_input_option = 'USER_ENTERED'

    body = {

'values': values


    result = spreadsheet_service.spreadsheets().values().update(

spreadsheetId=spreadsheet_id, range=range_name,

valueInputOption=value_input_option, body=body).execute()

print('{0} cells updated.'.format(result.get('updatedCells')))

if __name__ == '__main__':




Step 3: From the terminal or CMD application, run the following command: command


Step 4: View the changes in the New Test Sheet.

Google Sheets—New test sheet

Append Multiple Lists to Google Sheets with Python

Once you’ve updated the first row of your Google sheet, you can use the script provided below to manually append multiple lists to different rows in your Google sheet.

Step 1: Create a new file called in the env directory.

New file— in the env directory


Step 2: Paste the following script into it:

from __future__ import print_function

from auth import spreadsheet_service

from auth import drive_service

def read_range():

    range_name = 'Sheet1!A1:H8'  # read an empty row for new data

    spreadsheet_id = 'your_spreadsheetID'

    result = spreadsheet_service.spreadsheets().values().get(

spreadsheetId=spreadsheet_id, range=range_name).execute()

    rows = result.get('values', [])

print('{0} rows retrieved.'.format(len(rows)))

print('{0} rows retrieved.'.format(rows))

return rows

def write_range():

    spreadsheet_id = 'your_spreadhseetID'  # get the ID of the existing sheet

    range_name = 'Sheet1!A1:H3'  # update the range for three rows

    values = [

        ['John', 'John', '20', 'Male', 'New Jersey', 'USA', '98989898989', ''],  # new row of data

        ['Jane', 'Doe', '30', 'Female', 'California', 'USA', '1234567890', ''],  # new row of data

        ['Bob', 'Smith', '25', 'Male', 'Texas', 'USA', '5555555555', ''],  # new row of data


    value_input_option = 'USER_ENTERED'

    body = {

'values': values


    result = spreadsheet_service.spreadsheets().values().update(

spreadsheetId=spreadsheet_id, range=range_name,

valueInputOption=value_input_option, body=body).execute()

print('{0} cells updated.'.format(result.get('updatedCells')))

if __name__ == '__main__':




Step 3: Run the command from the terminal or CMD application command


Step 4: View the changes in the New Test Sheet

View changes in new test sheet

Transferring Data Between Two Google Sheets Using Python

This method really demonstrates the power of using Python with Google Sheets. It can handle up to ten million cells and transfer data from one sheet to another within seconds. Essentially, the code below reads data from sheet 1 and writes it into sheet 2.

Step 1: Go to an existing sheet from which you want to transfer data into your New Test Sheet and retrieve the sheet ID. In this case, we will transfer data from an existing Contacts sheet into the New Test Sheet.

Transferring existing contacts to new test sheet


Step 2: In the env directory, create a new file called

Create a new file—


Step 3: Paste the following script into it.

from __future__ import print_function

from auth import spreadsheet_service

from auth import drive_service

def read_range():

range_name = 'Sheet1!A1:H100'  # read an empty row for new data

spreadsheet_id = 'spreadsheet id of the sheet to read from (In this case, the “Contacts” sheet)'

result = spreadsheet_service.spreadsheets().values().get(

spreadsheetId=spreadsheet_id, range=range_name).execute()

rows = result.get('values', [])

print('{0} rows retrieved.'.format(len(rows)))

print('{0} rows retrieved.'.format(rows))

return rows

def write_range(rows):

spreadsheet_id = 'spreadsheet id of the sheet to write into (In this case, the “New Test Sheet” sheet)'  # get the ID of the existing sheet

range_name = 'Sheet1!A1:H100'  # update the range in the existing sheet

values = rows  # use the rows retrieved from the read_range function

value_input_option = 'USER_ENTERED'

body = {

'values': values


result = spreadsheet_service.spreadsheets().values().update(

spreadsheetId=spreadsheet_id, range=range_name,

valueInputOption=value_input_option, body=body).execute()

print('{0} cells updated.'.format(result.get('updatedCells')))

if __name__ == '__main__':

rows = read_range()



Step 4: From the terminal or CMD application, run the command command


Step 5: View the changes in the New Test Sheet.

View changes in new test sheet


That’s it! You have successfully integrated your Python environment with Google Sheets and tested it using various methods. This environment can now serve as the gateway through which you can interact with your Google Sheets. Needless to say, there are numerous other options that you can view on and use in your Python project.

Additional Resources

Below are two essential resources you may find useful when handling data in Google Sheets using Python:

In addition, you may also want to check out these amazing and cheap Udemy courses to master data handling in Google Sheets.

Frequently Asked Questions about Using Python in Google Sheets

I regularly field questions about this topic. Whether it’s how to learn Python or how to access something specific in Google Sheets, I know how to solve the problem. Below, I listed the most common questions and their answers.

Can You Use Python with Google Sheets?

Yes. I regularly use Python with Google Sheets. It’s one of the best ways to automate complex and time-consuming processes. When you use Python with Google Sheets, you can integrate your data with data analysis libraries like NumPy or Pandas or data visualization libraries like Matplotlib or Seaborn. Check out the article above to learn how to write in Google Sheets using Python.

Can You Use Python to Automate Google Sheets?

Yes. It is possible for Python to connect to Google Sheets and help users automate some Google Sheets tasks like data handling. The list of Python packages available includes Gspread, Pygsheets, Ezsheets, as well as Google’s very own google-api-python-client.


In conclusion, using Python with Google Sheets can greatly simplify the task of working with data by automating the process of extracting and uploading data. Python is a powerful programming language that provides a wide range of tools and libraries for data analysis and visualization.

By integrating Python with Google Sheets, users can leverage these tools to perform complex analyses and create visualizations that can be shared with others. Using Python with Google Sheets can save time and streamline workflows, allowing users to focus on more important aspects of their projects.


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