How to Use the Absolute Function in Excel

In this post, we’ll delve into the absolute value function (ABS) in Excel and explore why it’s a valuable tool for your data analysis arsenal.

What is an Absolute Value?

An absolute value essentially tells you the magnitude of a number without considering its direction. This means it disregards whether the number is positive or negative. In Excel, the ABS function helps you achieve this easily.

Using the ABS Function

Let’s illustrate how to use the ABS function with a practical example. To begin with, you need to start by typing an equals sign followed by “abs”. You will then open a bracket, and inside the bracket, you will input the number or reference the cell containing the number.

For instance, if you have a profit loss of -500, to get the absolute value, you would type:


The function will return 500, disregarding the negative sign. This can be particularly useful when you only want to see the total change in profit while ignoring any losses.

Mastering the ABS Function in Excel: Video Guide

Here’s a video made by one of the spreadsheet experts at Spreadsheet Point.

Want to follow along? You can find my full dataset here.

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Practical Examples

Let’s discuss a few practical examples of how to use the ABS function in Excel.

Example 1: Profit and Loss Analysis

Let’s say you have a data set that records profit and loss over several transactions. Some values might be negative (indicating loss) and others positive (indicating profit). By using the ABS function, you can transform all these values into positive numbers, thus allowing you to focus on the magnitude of changes rather than their direction.

Example 2: Temperature Change

Here’s another useful example showing how the ABS function can help with large data sets, like temperature changes over several days. Suppose you have temperature readings taken at 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. each day. You want to calculate the total temperature change between these times over a week, but you are not concerned whether the temperature increased or decreased.

First, you’ll record your starting temperatures at 9 a.m. and your ending temperatures at 1 p.m., then calculate the difference between the ending and starting temperatures. Some differences will be negative. By applying the ABS function to these differences, you’ll only get positive values, representing the absolute temperature change irrespective of direction.

Summing Absolute Values

By summing these absolute values, you can get a clear picture of the total temperature fluctuation over time. For example, if Day 1 shows a change of +10 degrees, Day 2 shows -12 degrees, and so on, applying and summing the ABS function will give you the total degree change disregarding the increase or decrease. This approach indicates the overall variability in your data.

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The ABS function is a simple yet powerful tool in Excel for handling data analysis tasks where the direction of the values is irrelevant, and only the magnitude matters. Whether you’re analyzing financial reports, temperature changes, or any other data set, knowing how to use the ABS function can enhance your data comprehension and decision-making process.


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